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First round of KORUS FTA renegotiation talks to start in Washington
First round of KORUS FTA renegotiation talks to start in Washington
First round of KORUS FTA renegotiation talks to start in Washington
First round of KORUS FTA renegotiation talks to start in Washington
First round of KORUS FTA renegotiation talks to start to Washington
First round of KORUS FTA renegotiation talks to start to Washington
First round of Korea-U.S. trade deal amendment talks set for Jan. 5 in Washington
Korea's national interest top priority when renegotiating KORUS FTA: Finance Minister
Seoul and Washington to discuss KORUS FTA
First round of Korea-U.S. trade deal amendment talks set for Jan. 5 in Washington
Trade ministry submits KORUS FTA renegotiation plan to National Assembly